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Raelene Ostberg

Raelene Ostberg

Opening Keynote:

Finding Joy: Top Tips To Break Through Barriers and Experience The Genuine Happiness You Deserve! Friday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Breakout Session 3B: Taming Those Terrific Toddlers: Evidence-Based Strategies to Set Effective Limits and Getting Toddlers to Follow Them! Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Speaker Bio

Raelene Ostberg is the founder of Thriving Together, an organization that provides engaging, inspiring, and transformative educational experiences to support early childhood educators in their critical work. With the vital support of childcare providers, Raelene was able to raise her two daughters, work 20 years in early childhood classrooms, study stress with Mayo’s Stress-free Living Program, and obtain a BA in Theater and an M.Ed. in Family Education from the University of Minnesota. The last 10 years, Raelene has entertained and inspired thousands of early childhood professionals who love her realistic strategies with immediate application that are delivered with dynamic energy, infectious enthusiasm, and theatrical storytelling that bring the techniques to life!

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Deb Hadley

Deb Hadley

Closing Keynote:

Taking Care of YOU – MIND, BODY AND SOUL! Saturday 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Speaker Bio

Deb Hadley is from beautiful Alexandria, MN. She is certified in Death and Grief Studies through the Center for Loss and Life Transition, and travels nationwide as an inspirational speaker delivering a message of hope and healing. She is proud to be the Founder of the KT Humble Hearts Foundation, the author of the Morning God Boost Guide and journal, the creator of the Facebook Video Blog, The Morning God Boost, the Bereavement Manager for Knute Nelson Hospice, and a true Servant of the Lord. Deb has endured many hardships in her life, but strives to find purpose and meaning in her suffering. With her solid faith, strong conviction, and incredible resiliency, Deb has found the strength to not only work through her adversity, but become a beacon of hope for others. Deb believes that no matter your circumstances, no matter the hardships you face, you can still have an amazing life.

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Phone Number: 507-227-4220
Ray Harrell

Ray Harrell

Additional Training Opportunity: CPR/First Aid

Friday 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM; Saturday 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM Limited Space Available

Speaker Bio

My name is Ray Harrell, my wife (Kelly) and I started Training For Life in 2021 after seeing there was a need for CPR instructors in rural MN. Kelly has spent the last 35 years in childcare and is currently the infant room teacher at Little Stang’s in Buffalo Lake. I have been an EMT & Fire Fighter for Buffalo Lake for 20 years & served on 3M emergency brigade for 17 years. I have had the honor of saving multiple lives with the use of CPR & an AED. We enjoy teaching others in our First Aid & CPR classes. We truly believe in our company vision: “We believe through proper training, you can save a life too.”

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Phone Number: 320-583-1255
Nancy Berndt

Nancy Berndt

Breakout Session 2A: SUID/AHT Friday 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Breakout Session 4A: Encouraging Curiosity Saturday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Speaker Bio

Nancy Berndt is a trained speaker, experienced licensor, and former child care and foster care provider who is willing to tackle tough topics. She enjoys using her experience and knowledge to support child care professionals, promote safety and well-being within programs, and bring a sense of practical insight and humor to those providing care for others.

Sherri Tiegs

Sherry Tiegs

Breakout Session 2B: Exploring the Senses and Early Learning Through Art and Science Experiences Friday 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Breakout Session 4A: Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose: Strategies for Thriving in the Early Childhood Profession Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Speaker Bio

Sherry is an experienced early childhood educator, trainer, and course writer in west-central Minnesota, and enjoys facilitating engaging live and virtual workshops. Her experience in preschool, center care, and family childcare allows her to share her passion for child development and connect with other early childhood educators and business owners in every training she offers. It is important to Sherry that each workshop she offers is meaningful and applicable to the work you do every day. Her goal is to create infectious enthusiasm and inspiration so you can return to your program reenergized and ready to use the skills we have built together.

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Linda Mathiasen

Linda Mathiasen

Breakout Session 1B: Inside the Child: Social and Emotional Development Friday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Breakout Session 4B: Observation:Find the Function of Behavior Saturday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Speaker Bio

Linda Mathiasen has been in the early childhood field since 2009. She loves leading teams, working on special projects, and providing training. Her passion for children with developmental delays and disabilities began as a substitute teacher. Linda’s experience includes increasing awareness of birth to three mental health and promoting the use of Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional by physicians, teachers, and child care providers. Since 2014, she has been working with the MN Department of Education’s Inter-agency for Early Childhood Intervention Committee (IEIC) performing outreach and training to see children receive early intervention services through Minnesota’s Help Me Grow referral system. She has served eight years as a school board member and led a nonprofit serving families raising children ages birth to 30 years with developmental delays and disabilities.

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Trisha Lien & Desi Oberg

Breakout Session 1A: Developing a Child CareProgram Policy and Procedures Manual for Parents Friday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Speaker Bio

Trisha Lien, Business Development Manager Trisha has 20 years of experience managing childcare programs in both Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities metro area. She was raised in a family child care program and her business experience includes management of a rural childcare center as well as school district operated programs. Her background is in Business Administration, Marketing & Management and she has extensive experience with both DHS Licensed and Certified Child Care Programs.


Speaker Bio

Desi Oberg, Business Development Specialist Desi has been working in the Early Childhood field for the past 7 years. Before joining the First Children’s Finance team, Desi worked as a Preschool teacher in a Certified Center, and transitioned to a Coordinator role for a licensed and certified school-based child care program. Desi has a passion for the early childhood field and enjoys helping others start and grow sustainable, quality, early care and education programs.

Find Out More:

Phone Number: 320-288-2775Phone Number: 612-439-9771